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Thursday, 3 May 2012

Info Post
Not to long ago I realized that our blog had gotten a little off course.

Last fall when I set it up and spent about two weeks (no joke!) thinking about the PERFECT name for it I thought about what I wanted it to be about and what I wanted to say. Thus the name

a life made simple

No pics to go with this post so I thought I'd show you how the park looks these days - it is greening up fast. It is one of the best times because the Saskatoon Berry bushes are in full bloom. Derek and Cassia go for a hike after dinner when I go to work - these are some pics from a recent evening.

A close up of the flowers. It won't be long until much of our free time is spent picking and then freezing the saskatoon berries.

I realized that we had, over the previous couple of years, really pared down our lives. We had downloaded A LOT of our stuff and we had stopped buying new stuff to replace it. We were also consciously making choices about our life and how we wanted to live it. As a result - a life MADE simple - seemed to make so much sense to me. My very first post on this blog was in fact about this topic.

With this blog I wanted to tell, teach, and maybe even inspire, others about living simply - living with less but living good. Living on a fairly small budget but making it work.

Obviously I am learning as I go. 

I also wanted the blog to be about our travels since our winter travels make up a large part of our lives. But it wasn't ever meant to be a 'RV blog' or JUST about our travels.

Unfortunately, what I realized when I returned home was that I ended up spending much more time this winter sharing our travels and less about the living simple part - HOW we actually make it work to live on less.

The balsamroot arrow leaf flower is prolific at this time of year.

To a certain extent this will naturally take place because we are not traveling for the next 5 months at least. I'll need to think of something to write about! On the other hand, I am going to consciously work on writing about simple living topics. Since simply also means frugal, I'll be writing about ways to live frugally. I am certainly not alone in writing about this topic - simple and frugal orientated blogs abound - but I am happy to be part of the group and have no problem referencing from others writing on a similar topic. I learn the greatest things from other blogs. As you probably know, because I link it often, one of my favourite go to blogs is Frugally Sustainable - but there are many many others.

I am also a very interested person - I am very interested in many topics, most of which I would like to blog about. This list includes but isn't limited to: RV travel (of course!), but all travel, parenting, health and nutrition, cooking and baking, the natural environment, homemaking, crafts and DIY, design, gardening of all sorts (flowers, veggies, fruit and herbs), natural homemade products (cleaning and beauty), and dare I say on and on. I am also an avid reader and would somehow like to incorporate that as well.

Now - I KNOW I can't possibly blog about all of those - but I can and will - when they involve living simply. After all, simple living is about our lives and our lives include a wide range of topics - don't they?


When I set the blog up the design reflected our travels as well. The header was of course based on travel signage - road traveling and working at a campground means that we look at this type of symbolic signage A LOT.

So - with a slight realignment of the topic I'm going to also redesign the 'look' of the blog as well.

And I'd better do it fast!

I figure I have only about the month of May before things really start to get crazy around here. And if the weather is good for the long weekend it means I have until before then. A whole lotta pressure! Particularly since I have a really really really really hard time designing for myself.

For some reason I can usually clearly see how others should brand themselves or their business but get a total blank on myself.

Sure, I know what I like but there in lies the problem. I like too much. I like vintage, I like modern and pretty much everything in between.

I also love to study fonts and typography and have a similar problem. I like vintage, I like modern and pretty much everything in between.

And colour - LOVE colour. Although I am much more selective about colour. I realized the other day when I looked at my colour board on pinterest - I generally pin similar colour combos.

A wild clematis deep in the forest.

Originally I thought that the blog should be simply designed - you know - sleek and minimal - staying with the theme. But does it need to be so? Not sure - I see some others that have a little more going on and I like those also....

So - we'll see!

Anyway, I'm just glad I got that off my chest. I suppose it isn't the most interesting blog post ever but one I definitely felt I needed to do, especially for all of you that have been following since the beginning or for awhile now. I wanted to let you know that changes were ahead.

One day you may arrive here things will sound and look a little different.

Cassia is getting pretty good at climbing the downed trees - ha ha - looks like Roofous said to Cassia 'you first'!

Dad sometimes has a hard time keeping up I hear.

I hope ya'll weren't too attached to the rounded corners! They are the first casualty. It just takes too much time and so I thought - well let's ditch those now!

Ahhhhh - that feels better!

By the way - I'm also going to drop the Adsense ads - can you believe that since I signed up back in October we have made 4¢! Crazy! But I may try BlogHer since I was invited and it works a little differently.

Thanks for checking in - feel free to drop me a line!


Today's Interesting Link: Here's another good article that my sis sent me further confirming that we are doing the right thing by Cassia - getting her out in nature A LOT. Research is showing that Girls who play in the dirt grow up healthier.  Interesting.


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