We headed east on I84 down into Utah having stopped for supplies in Burley Idaho. We had a long day because we drove until about 8:30 pm. We usually don't like to do night driving but it was still cold and if you know this area you know it is best to travel on 'off' hours. Are there any 'off' hours along the Salt Lake City stretch? I don't think so. At Odgen we stayed on the I84 headed east. We planned this route a while ago in order to avoid SLC. We stopped for the night at a rest stop and had a surprisingly good sleep beside the highway sandwiched between the steady hum of two semi trucks.
Back on the road the next morning we continued along the I84 until the route 40 turnoff toward Heber City. HC seems like a nice town nicely situated by the mountains. It is a place we would have spent more time exploring if it was warmer. Alas just a quick walk around and back in the truck and on our way.
Parked along Main Street Heber, Utah
We followed route 40 to Duchesne and then south on the 191 taking us to Price. Now if you are looking on the map or know this area you are probably wondering what were we thinking taking this route. And right now on the other end I am saying 'who the heck knows'!!!! It seemed a good idea - avoid SLC - see some of eastern Utah. Mistake! My job as a route planner is as tentative as that of navigator. In my defense I did try to research route 191 prior to leaving Nampa. It was all going so well until we were on such a steep incline that we almost stopped. Have you had that happen before? NO FUN! We asked way more of our little truck then we have a right and yes the inside our our truck was pretty tense for a little while. I used this time to pray pray pray. Well we made it up and way back down and again and into Price where we picked up route 6.
Stopped for lunch along route 40.
Beautiful along route 191 though!
Went for a walk at a rest stop along route 6 - the first warmth we have felt.
Our descent into Moab - yes through our dirty windshield.
Today's Interesting Link: Since we are in Moab - take a look around their website. A great little town - we could live here for sure to be near all of the outdoor activity - but - you would have to be ok with sharing your town - very very busy here with tourists!
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