Our first stop was the Roswell Visitor Center towards downtown. Two nice ladies assisted us with where to find the UFO Museum and other attractions. After taking our picture with their resident alien they pointed us in the direction of the arts center and museum.
Roswell Visitor's Center
The RMAC - Roswell Museum and Art Center is right beside the Visitor's Center - and admission is free. We enjoyed looking around at the artwook, Robert Goddard exhibit, Western and Native artifacts and my favourite the Natural Beauty exhibit.
The largest piece of the Natural Beauty exhibit.
Next, we traveled to downtown Roswell for the UFO Museum and Research Center. This I guess you can say is what we came here for.....isn't it what everyone comes to Roswell for!!?? A very interesting place and a lot of information - lots to read. Cassia and I ended up doing laps while Derek studied the material - not exactly interesting for a 2 1/2 yr old. I can't say it was what I was expecting - not real flashy - but lots of info. You can see a lot more pictures then we took at a fellow Canadians blog from when they were here last summer - Operation Explorations.
Derek fits right in - doesn't he - ha ha!
We finished off our day with a trip to the Spring River Zoo & Park - as suggested to us by the ladies at the VC. This is a free park with animals and small pond with ducks and a playground. We have to admit that it was a pretty sad place. I am sure the animals are well fed etc. but their accommodations are very minimal. The black bear and cougar beside him have fairly small pens with just fake rock - not a blade of grass, shrub or tree in sight. We watched as the cougar just paced back and forth.
The zoo was a very lack luster place in desperate need of funding - I wish they would charge a fee in order to make improvements. The animals here today combined with yesterday's visit to Smokey Bear's grave have left us with a real sad feeling for animals in our world. "For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now." Romans 8:22.
The zoo was a very lack luster place in desperate need of funding - I wish they would charge a fee in order to make improvements. The animals here today combined with yesterday's visit to Smokey Bear's grave have left us with a real sad feeling for animals in our world. "For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now." Romans 8:22.
We are spending our second night in Roswell once again at the Walmart/Sam's Club amongst a new group of Snowbirds. Tomorrow we head to Texas! yaaa - we had such a good time in Texas on our 2008 tour we are really looking forward to it.
Night ya'll!
Today's Interesting Link: Well since we are in Roswell I will post the UFO Museum and Research Center's link here.
Today's Interesting Link: Well since we are in Roswell I will post the UFO Museum and Research Center's link here.
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