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Saturday, 10 December 2011

Info Post
As we mentioned, we are here in Montgomery Alabama at the Grace Bible ChurchComing here this weekend came to be because of our visit with Pastor Jerry Lockhart in New Braunfels, Texas at the Berean Bible Church. We were coming east anyway - Montgomery was only a few hundred mile detour. Coming to rightly dividing grace churches was inspired by our YouTube and Facebook connections. When we decided to visit Texas this winter Derek said "...I think Jerry Lockhart is in Texas..."

Connecting with one rightly dividing Pastor (Jerry) in person has led to what we are now calling our  winter pilgrimage. We are so happy and edified to meet with others that believe as we do and to learn along the way that we are including Rightly Dividing - Grace teaching - Pauline Churches in our travels. We are learning so much more from listening to sermons and meeting and talking with others in person rather just over the internet.

For the last three days, Pastor Jerry taught on the Book of Acts "transitionally." Most people don't realize that this book took place over a period of 34 years and is the key to understanding the transition from law to grace. We believe in Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth - II Timothy 2:15.

If you are interested in learning more about Pauline right division we have compiled a list of great links under What We Believe.

Pastor Jerry Lockhart teaching on Acts.

Pastor Steve Gotberg and his wife Kim (picture by Derek.. taken without warning, surprise!)

We had a great time - great fellowship and great food in the Grace Cafe. On Friday lunch was provided courtesy of Jim Berdeaux - owner of Berdeaux's Vintage Sauces. With pulled pork sandwiches we could sample his steak and bbq sauces. Jim generously gave Derek and I a complimentary 2 bottle box of his sauces to take with us on the road. He also mentioned a meat loaf consisting of garlic croutons softened in the bbq sauce. I think I will try that soon. I have never made meat loaf - I loved my mom's but I didn't think it was something Derek would like. But he is up to trying it so we will. I will post the results in the future. In the meantime please check out Jim's site and consider trying his sauces - they really are very good!

The ladies of the Church were so great is providing the rest of the meals and ..... desserts - lots and lots of desserts!

Visiting in the Grace Cafe.

If you are is a video from Brother Scott Foust of Ohio on the topic of Salvation. It is clear, precise and easy to understand.

Tonight Derek was strumming a guitar - wishing he could play a tune, especially Appalachian roots. Derek and I are big fans of the guitar - well any string instrument really. I love the fiddle! We have been talking for years now about learning to play. Derek would really really like to learn and we would also like to teach Cassia. So if you know how or have any tips on where on our travels to learn, please let us know! 

Today's Interesting Link: While browsing other travel blogs the other night I stumbled upon To Simplify on another site. Obviously the name struck a cord with me. After searching around a bit and looking at the photos of Glenn's rig I realized that this was the guy in the article I shared on facebook back in October - they guy that lives on $11,000 a year. So glad to have found his site - funny enough he was in Dothan Alabama a few days ago when I was reading - just south of us. Last night he passed the 1,000,000th hit on his blog - amazing! Seems like many people are as addicted to his site as I am.


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