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Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Info Post
I told you we would think of something to fill our days here at the hotel - and I am happy to report that we have. And while we could go to - say - the Florida Aquarium, or Busch Gardens, or the beaches and PJ's Oyster Bar at St. Pete, as suggested by our good friend Scott - we have decided to do 

absolutely nothing - nothing - nada - zip

except to be lay abouts here at the hotel - passing our time away in bed, in the hot tub, eating fruit and of course our favourite past time - on the good ol' internet.

Odd you say - when we have so much at our disposal. Sure - I can see that. But once again we are stationary and happy to be so because it is free and there is NO TRAFFIC here in our room. The thought of taking on all those roads to the west of us just to get to these places makes our stomachs hurt.

This little leap into luxury will be over before we blink and so we have just decided to sit back and enjoy. Although I have to say it is a bit odd be out of the camper and all.

No worries - we found her a nice place to park just out back.

Fortunately, we were able to get a ground floor room WITH a sliding door back entrance to the parking lot. And so a visit to the camper is just a short walk away. Very handy of course because well, although we are staying in a hotel we still need to eat. 

Our vacation brains are saying - 'well you are in a hotel - that means all meals out' - but our budget is saying 'you can cook all your meals in the camper' - darn! We did think ahead and stocked up on our way to the hotel and so we are good to go.

We aren't being completely lazy however, Cassia and I did venture out yesterday to join Derek and Roofous on their walk, albeit a short one. Nowhere to go in this big bad city. And so we headed down to stroll past the two Hiltons and back again. 

Cassia and Roofous visiting before our walk.

Upon our return we cut through a bit of grass between the sidewalk and the parking lot. Admittedly it was steep which didn't bother Derek and I but of course Cassia could only manage by getting on her hands and knees. For the record, I did offer to help her - but you know independent toddlers. All was well until she was suddenly 

completely freaking out

If you can believe she was totally covered with itty bitty ANTS - the biting kind! As I was helping her they bit me too and believe me they hurt. The poor kid - I worked as fast as I could to get them off - even taking her clothes off on the spot - but too late - the damage was done! 

Cassia has no luck with ants - this was her THIRD encounter on the trip. I wouldn't blame her if she ends up having an ant phobia.

She hasn't even mentioned them but they don't look so good.

That was yesterday. Today we woke to this - a cloudy sky and threat of thunder storms. They came through all right at about 11:00 am when this first shot was taken out our sliding door. 

And so what was there to do but head to the pool and hot tub just down the hall. Well the hot tub really. The pool here is SO COLD it isn't really possible to swim. I know you are thinking - come on - how cold can it be - ICE COLD - it is indoor but I don't think it is heated. Derek and I have both been in but more to entertain Cassia then for enjoyment. She doesn't even go it - she just likes to watch us squirm. 

Ahhhh the hot tub.

When we got back to our room the rain was really coming down. Lightning and thunder - very ok - we enjoy a really good thunderstorm and haven't seen one since last summer.

You can't really tell from this picture...

but you can here.

Of course we are not used to actually STANDING out in the rain - particularly in the month of January. In July or August at home - MAYBE - but the rain may not be warm. Not as warm as it was here today. Even with the clouds and rain I think it was well into the 70's. Ahhhhhhhh.........

All of us ended up in the rain for some reason. I had to run out to close the vent in the trailer and get our lunch. Derek stood in it just because he could - and well - you know kids - Cassia just couldn't wait to go out in the rain. Strange though - she came back from the pool in her bathing suit and I offered for her to run around in the rain but she insisted that she needed to get dressed. She was even trying to get us to get her rain coat and boots - so information IS going in - WoW! 

hmmmm - not sure if I am feeding Derek enough....

from wet to dry to wet again

So that is the kind of two days it has been. I think I got a pretty good post out of talking about nothing much (you know like a Seinfeld episode). And if you made it through and can't wait for more - tomorrow nights post should suite you just fine because tomorrow promises to be another DO NOTHING day.

Well not totally true - I saw a laundry room down the hall!

We have been promised deviled crab tomorrow from Curt and Debbie. Can't wait for that - not to worry I will include photos so that the rest of you can drool over them. 

Thanks for stoppin' in. A see you later from the west coast of Florida.


Today's Interesting Link: Any other designers out there? I love design - I am a designer at heart - I just haven't done much lately, unfortunately. I won't get on my soap box but lets just say it is tough going to make a living as a designer these days. I am trained as an architect and do still love to look at great design - there are lots of blogs and websites out there for me to get my fill. Since I am most interested in residential design Hooked on Houses is one of my favourites - I have been a fan for a while now and I am definitely NOT alone. Julia gets A LOT of hits. Since I have 'liked' her on fb I also get daily updates. I loved this house profiled today and the design firm connected to it FAB architecture.


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