Breaking News
Thursday, 28 June 2012

Info Post
Most likely not - since....

I don't think it is even POSSIBLE!

hmmmmm........ let me see, where to begin....

A few days ago, after months of complaining planning, Derek finally decided to do something about the object of his disdain.

The offender?

The Siberian elm tree on the other side of the fence from our 'backyard'.

The offense?

Stealing our sun!

Arghhhhhhh! Say it isn't so!

Yup! It's so.

He - she - it - had to go and TODAY ( a few days ago) was THE day.

Too bad I was a bit late on the 'BEFORE' shot - a few limbs already down.

Can you find the CRAZY man in the tree? I shudder now to think about my involvement in the whole ordeal - I admit to being at least a partial accomplice - after all I DID attach the rope to the chain saw so that Derek could pull it up.

There he is! The CRAZY man himself. This would have been a good time to stop and consider his 'craziness' but noooooo - I can tell you now that at this point he was thinking 
 'Now how do I get over to that trunk to get the other branch.'

Say it with me now......


Now back on 'land' it seems that Derek has his work cut out for him with cutting up all of the branches. I seem to recall hearing him say something like 'hmmmm look at all the work I have created for myself.' Yup - like I said C R A Z Y. 

This reminds me of the time just after we were married and had moved into our first home. Two weeks in and I came home one afternoon to find our one - and only - bathroom 1/2 demolished - but THANKFULLY still useable. I recall (yes, I REMEMBER these things even if it is 10 years later) saying before I left for work the next morning 'Don't break or pull anything apart that you can't fix or put back together'. You can imagine my surprise (not) when I received a call at work that afternoon from who? yes, Derek letting me know now that when I get home that 1. I wouldn't be able to use the bathroom 2. he had arranged dinner at his mom's, and oh by the way, 3. you'll probably have to move back in with your mom for a bit! 


yup - CRAZY!

Back to the tree....

By this time Derek is my 'just one step too far guy' and I'm his 'roll my eyes and walk away gal'. I head into the house no longer wanting to have any part of this project and not wanting to even SEE how it all ends.

I was busy in the kitchen, periodically daring to take small glimpses out the window.


We'll that doesn't look good! 

The CRAZY man again - now explaining to me WHY that last big branch had to come down and oh - honey - by the way - on the way down it hit the power line - I heard it go zap zap.' And ya - we'll have to fix the fence! My poor tree.......


At least one member of the family could see the value in all of this....

Suddenly the pile of elm branches became a 

JUNGLE! complete with MONKEYS I was told!

Cassia - going on a monkey hunt - 

I've got my walking stick........ (you know the one I LOVE and have carried around with me since our winter travels!)

Here I am in action - using my trusty stick to beat back the jungle...

And here I am - WHAT? - it BROKE ...... complete meltdown ensued.
 (Cassia - still learning the harsh reality of 'broken')


The VERY next day - 3 young fellows showed up at our gate. As Derek went to talk to them I slunk back into the house. This wasn't going to be good.

As I peered - again - out of the kitchen window - I see the four of them standing over by what was left of the elm tree. 


Handcuffs? Take Derek away to some place for tree killers? A fine? Do they CHARGE people for taking down trees? All the things running through my head.

This is taking a LONG time......

Finally they are gone and Derek comes into report - tree cutters for the Hydro company - what timing! They are here to trim the elms because they are close to the hydro line. They are going to come back and trim the other one. 


And so - here they are today - driving right into our yard with their BIG truck - and fancy safety gear.

Non CRAZY men.

So long #2 elm tree - I CANNOT believe I am losing you too!


So I ask you.....

Is your husband as CRAZY as mine?


P.S. The above series of events and commentary are all in jest - Derek gave his full support and cooperation in the 'filming and writing' of this blog post. (Of course, CRAZY people really don't know they are CRAZY - right?) 

P.S.S No disrespect intended towards those that are really crazy.

Today's Interesting Link: As we were sitting out tonight we noticed a few mosquitoes - do you have them where you are? We haven't had many and are surprised they are still around. If you need something to keep them away how about this Natural Mosquito Spray from Money Saving Mom.


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