Hmmmmmmmm now doesn't THAT sound GOOD! Good thing I could go back into my photos for this Sunday Cook! It has been a CRAZY day and not s...
Alexandra Bridge, BC
To pick up our new camper van we needed to make the trip to the Vancouver Area, we must have REALLY liked the van because that is a HUGE de...
Well I just couldn't let another day go by without showing off the new addition to the Wood Clan! Remember back in June when we said Goo...
Ok - so not the MOST original Sunday Cook recipe for you tonight! BUT! It could STILL change your life! For the better - of course! Hamburg...
What we BUY, What we DON'T, and the IN BETWEEN
Due to the overwhelming demand for 'What we spend our money on, what we don't and those items that we are working on not buying....
What's new at A LIFE MADE SIMPLE?
Well, first off, I have to admit to being TOTALLY unprepared for a blog post tonight. I have had a topic on my mind for about a week now and...
Every Sunday I think to myself - WoW! another Sunday Cook - I can't BELIEVE it is Sunday again! Is it just ME or is this summer just b...