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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Info Post
Well, first off, I have to admit to being TOTALLY unprepared for a blog post tonight. I have had a topic on my mind for about a week now and it was to be tonight's post but at the last minute I chickened out. I WAS going to talk about the items that we don't spend money on, the ones we do and the ones we are trying not to - but I thought that it would come across to preachy.

Instead, I decided to let you in on how are life is going and the new things I've been doing or discovered.

The FIRST really great thing is that I yesterday I found the BEST chocolate chip peanut butter cookie recipe EVER. No joke and no exaggeration. I LOVE it when a new recipe works out don't you? Sometimes it's a miss - like my quinoa bars - remember those? YUK! I STILL have some in the freezer because I didn't have the heart to throw them out.

I found the recipe through pinterest - of course right?! Bake at 350 had great photos of the result but links back to the original recipe post by How Sweet It Is.

The SECOND thing going on is that I am BESIDE MYSELF EXCITED about my newest discovery. So - you all know how much I LOVE making my own things - especially beauty type projects. By the way I am still doing and loving my Oil Cleansing Method - in the meantime I have purchased castor oil and have mixed it in with the olive essential oils.

While Derek and Cassia were gone I learned and - more importantly - DID - five things that I learned on the internet:

1. I made shampoo - Baking Soda Shampoo! With baking soda and water! That's IT? yup that's IT! And it works great.  I am thrilled! I can't see how I will EVER buy shampoo again.

2. I made conditioner - Cider Vinegar Conditioner! With CV and water! That's IT? yup that's IT! And it works great! I am thrilled! I can't see how I will EVER buy conditioner again.

3. Although I'm still working on getting all the ingredients together to make our own toothpaste, I'm one step closer. At the moment we are using a natural toothpaste I found on sale at the health food store, so at least it is made with natural products and more importantly does not have fluoride (PLEASE tell me you know about and have stopped using anything with fluoride in it! If not we NEED to talk!). For the time being I found a cute jar I filled with baking soda. I then added some drops of clove oil - clove oil is great for your mouth and teeth. Before we put paste on our brushes we first dip into the baking soda!

4. I filled another little jar with baking soda as an exfolliant for my face! Can you believe that! All these years I didn't know I could and should be using baking soda to cleanse my face. I've used sugar and cornmeal but LOVE the baking soda. I went back to my essential oil box and again added all the oils that are recommended for skin. L.O.V.E.

hmmm - good thing we have a BIG box of baking soda here!

5. I successfully shaved my legs with olive oil! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

The THIRD item we are working on is the purchase of our camper van! yup - we found one! on kijiji and we are pretty darn excited about it - yes - we were JUST looking but there it was with everything we need for our trip to Central America next winter. No awning but a ton of other stuff and a GREAT price. The problem is that there seems to be a line up. **sigh** We still hope it becomes ours - we'll let you know of course - but if not we know we will find another. Fingers X that we get it though!

FOURTH - a NEW project has been taking up my time and thinking power! This is probably the MAIN reason why I have been distracted these last few days. We have stumbled on to a GREAT and I mean GREAT idea. Bad news? I can't let you in on it - sorry - ya - it's THAT good. However, if all goes well we will be unveiling this idea in the fall - at least you'll be one of first to know!

Other than that work continues here at the park. The lady I spoke about the other day needing our help as well as the police and ambulance means another report for me to write out! grrrrrrrrr - not a fan of writing occurrence reports.

Speaking of work - I am putting together the post 'A day in the Life of a Park Facility Operator'. I'm going to let you in on the minute by minute - hour by hour - account of our day and the many tasks involved in our jobs. I'm excited about posting it - now to get it down!

Hot - it's STILL HOT!


TODAY'S INTERESTING LINK: I link to Frugally Sustainable ALOT - I know. I'm linking it again because I really enjoy Andrea's Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways. She's on #36! I always check these posts out because they are a collection of all the other blogs. Bloggers are invited to link their posts about frugal type topics. I find a ton of information very quickly this way.



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