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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Info Post
If you can believe.....

One of our favourite places EVER to camp is at a gas station.

I know, I know.......

But it has everything we need - a free dump, free water, free wifi, free parking and ice cream - not free.


Dinosaurs this year! The snakes and horse are out and the dinosaurs are in - just in time for Cassia's dinosaur phase. She's been glued to The Land before Time lately.

And yes, we also stopped here last spring.

Very well done dinosaurs - Cassia wouldn't even go close.


Lots of Mexican art for sale.

And look - you too can take a dinosaur home with you. For the front lawn perhaps?

We really do come just for the twisty cones!

Cassia anyway - and yes -  she DID finish it all by herself. Sharing doesn't extend to her ice cream cone.

New this year - or at least we THINK they are new - are the washrooms and showers. Ahhhh - a shower for each of us - right?! Wrong! $7 per shower. Nope - don't need a shower THAT bad - ok - I DO but not at that price!

Again we were going to spend a few days at Holt's Shell Gas Station at Gila Bend but at the last minute we decided to head into Mexico early, so we only spent two nights there. That's ok - we'll be back in the spring on our way back up.


TODAY'S INTERESTING LINK: I am seriously out of touch with links at the moment - I guess 5 days of no internet will do that to you. So - I'm going to give one of our true blues a shout out! You may have seen the name BlackSheep attached to many many comments on our blog - well he has a blog of his own - head over to read about the stealth camping/boondocking adventures of Voyager54.


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