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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Info Post
Well, I don't know... best I can tell a trigger must have gone off with our post from a few days ago ..... OOPS! DID WE FORGET TO MENTION....

Because as of today, our plans have changed --  yet again....

We just don't want things to get too stale and sleepy around here - right?!

I blame it on restless, can't stay still, nothing gonna break my stride, nothing gonna slow me down, oh no, gotta keep on moving Derek, Leader of the Wood Clan!



And so with some time spent pouring over our maps this morning and picking the well traveled through Mexico, Croft's Brain - thank goodness Croft and Norma are here just a few sites over - we have sort of a plan - and route.

If you are going to come along - hang on - it could be one hell of a ride!


THE ROUTE: A whole bunch of roads through the Interior of Mexico.

THE TIME: Who knows - who cares - we still have 3 1/2 to 4 months left.

RETURN ROUTE: Still to be figured out! Depends on how well the route down turns out.

THE COST: Well, priceless as far as experience and scenery, but it will be pushing our already small budget.

Our adventure will follow a route something like this: Leaving here in Villa Corona between Christmas and New Years. We will follow highway 15 through to either before or at Morelia to get ourselves on the 15D. From there to the Arco Norte - the toll road AROUND Mexico City which lands us just west of Puebla. From there east to the 135D taking us down to Oaxaca.

Ahhhh Oaxaca how I LOVE thee.....

Have I mentioned that I was in Oaxaca back in 1994 when I was 24 years old ....... from that visit I always wanted to return to this beautiful city. Hard to believe that almost 20 years has past and I will be returning with my husband and child. If someone had told me then......

Anyways, back to the plan. (Which is always up to alterations based on advice from our seasoned Mexico travelling friends - hint hint).

We'll spend a few nights in Oaxaca before we make our way down to Tehuantepec - over to Ocozocoautla to stop in a the Hogar Infantil -- which was part of the original plan -- and then through to Tuxtla and San Cristobal de las Casas. From there to Palenque and the Maya Bell Hotel and Trailer Park.

Then we turn around and head home.

What about Villa Corona and the fact that we already paid until January 10? Well, thankfully you can split your time up at this park, so when we leave we will have 12 days left which we will use up on our way back north - just like we have done at Las Jaibas in Mazatlan. So - at least with the two parks we have 26 nights prepaid.


And so - while not taking on Central America we are going to take on a some more of Mexico!

All aboard! Get your round trip ticket here ....... BELIEVE (Yes, as Derek mentioned - way too much Polar Express watching around here!)


TODAY'S INTERESTING LINK: Here's a sneak peak on what we are in for at the Palenque ruins from those that have gone before ...... Croft and Norma's photos and Kevin and Ruth's


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