Today, January 8th, 2013 is one of those days in everyone's life - a day to pause, a day to reflect, a day to remember.
Today, is the day that my Dad passed away. Eleven years. Just yesterday - right?!
This morning as Cassia and I were sitting on the beach - her playing - me watching her play - I thought how sad that she isn't able to play with her Opa and how sad that her Opa can't watch her grow - in the here and now.
Cassia saw me writing in the sand and thought she would do the same.
Last year on this day we were in Florida. It was the ten year anniversary and I wrote a special post to mark the day, entitled My Dad.
Where DO the years GO?
Our beach this morning - and well for the rest of the day. Quiet - right?!
Later back at the van Derek came to tell us that whales had been spotted! Off we went to see!
I guess you'll have to trust me when I say that that is the large fin of the whale. Much better with the binoculars! I really had to zoom in, they were a ways out.
And the spray....
As I mentioned - not too many shells on this beach. Cassia found an itty bitty one. She's was pretty proud of her find.
The pelican rock - where they dive for fish - the tide is out too far for them I guess.
A close up of the rock - pretty neat eh?
Later in the afternoon, instead of going swimming and then Cassia falling a sleep on the beach, we decided to go for a beach walk. We hadn't yet been to the south end.
Bungalows and houses along the way.
It was the PERFECT time for a beach walk - the tide was WAY out.
One of the best things about this beach - besides the fact that there are few people on it - is that it is flat and shallow far out - especially during low tide.
Interesting - their coconuts are yellow - hmmmm.
At the end of the beach we spotted this little entry over into the next beach.
A nice little secluded bay with one house on it. Lots are for sale - tempting - very tempting. If we had money that is!
And a MAJOR pelican hangout!
It turned out that our timing really was perfect - perfect for some time spent looking in around the rocks and tidal pools. You know - I don't think I've really looked in tidal pools for a long length of time before - totally fascinating!
Where all the shells - and coral - are hiding!
Many little pools in the rocks - this one has a snail in the lower left.
Hmmmm - not exactly sure what these are - very brain like to me.
We didn't seem to bother the pelicans at all - thankfully - I hate when birds fly away on our account. They were there first.
Nice to get some close ups.
I found quite a few crabs on the rocks - whole crabs - all dried up.
Nope - not alive.
Derek got this guy while he was up climbing on the rocks.
While Derek was taking pictures, Cassia and I were looking in and around the rocks at the fish and such. I spotted this sea urchin shell and tried to carefully retrieve it with Cassia's stick. Sadly, it broke but I picked it up and washed it off. Isn't it neat how it breaks along a fracture line.
As we were leaving there was a fellow fishing in the bay. We noticed that he had caught one and had placed it on the sand - not sure what type of fish though.
AND just LOOK at what else I found on our walk back home. This beach may not be big on quantity but it sure made up for it in quality. This is the first sand dollar I have found in the last two winters at the beach!
This one's for you Dee!
While I made dinner, Derek and Cassia hung out on the beach for some sunset shots.
And so the sun set on this day - a memorial day - for our family.
See you later, Dad!
xoxo T, D and C
P.S. You would LOVE this beach!
TODAY'S INTERESTING LINK: With all this beach time I'm really down on my internet surfing. I did read Nomadic Matt's blog post the other day - The End of my Solo Travels. Pretty interesting - looks to me like he needs a mate to continue traveling with! Also looks like he won't be so nomadic for a while.
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