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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Info Post
Market Day - if you've been around here for a while you know that we LOVE Market Day!

Different towns, different Markets, different days.

Tuesdays are Market Days here in Villa Corona.

Having visited last week, we knew the drill. I WOULD have posted pictures last Tuesday except that my camera battery ran out after about five pictures.

NOT good for a blogger - kinda like getting caught with your pants down.

Today was a new day - I was ready.

Thankfully the VC Market is quite close to the park - down a couple of blocks and over the highway. But we got a late start and had to endure the heat.

In a moment of weakness we stopped and bought Cassia yet more dinosaurs. She has been watching the Land before Time movies and is trying to put together the little group of friends. We figured that we did pretty well with that considering they were regular run of the mill dinosaurs. She also got a sea turtle.

As I've mentioned - there isn't much that you can't find at Market Day. Even at small ones.

Since VC is quite small - they don't have big stores with all the stuff - you'd have to go to Guadalajara for that. Or, you could wait until it comes to you. The pink and blue round appliances are washing machines. I LOVE them - they come in all sorts of colours. 

Colour, colour, colour! 

All the Markets we have been to also carry a large selection of clothes.

Almost overwhelming - I don't know how I'd choose!

And talk about overwhelming!

I almost wish I needed some home things - but without a home probably not so much.

We found this set up last week and of course again today!

Cassia was keen on getting another little bag of gummy bears. And yes, I KNOW what's in them and yes, we bought them anyway. Can't wait to be back at Trader Joe's!

It's been awhile since we had coconut - so we decided today was the day.

This fellow - uses the machete to expose a small hole in the coconut ...

 he then pours the water into the bag and scoops out the meat. His son, aged about 13 with very good English, cut it up and placed in a bag. We had a choice of toppings - chilli, salt (fine or coarse) and lime. Taking a walk on the wild side we went for the coarse salt and lime. Yum.

Then is was lunch time. We had pizza last week and it was very very good. 

They nicely reheat it for you when ordered. 

 And dessert?! Why nieve, of course.

 We usually just get the chico size but with a lingering sore throat today Derek went for the grande. And then he went really crazy and asked to have a combo of the three flavours - fresa, limonada and mango. 

Enjoying our nieve in what shade we could find.

Yup - still off chicken.

On the way out we picked up some more strawberries and mangos. (Odd looking photo because the tarp cover overhead is red).

You can find these EVERYWHERE in Mexico. I'm not sure of the name - anyone know? We overdosed a few years ago while in California/Arizona for the winter and still can't bring ourselves to get some. It may still take a few years.

This picture is from last week. Derek and I LOVE to garden - so nothing better for us then to see nursery plants -- in February.

We like the Villa Corona Market Day. It is small, but large enough to have all the stuff. It is well laid out and therefore easy to make your way through. 

Is that all we do at Markets - eat?! Well, yes - how can we not? The food is good and cheap! We also bring things home with us but since we went out yesterday and came home with our pineapple, bananas, strawberries and raspberries we weren't in need of too much. More strawberries today because we had already worked our way through yesterday's!

We leave here a week tomorrow, which means we will be able to hit one more Market Day in Villa Corona. Perfect because we can stock up for our trek north.


TODAY'S INTERESTING LINK: Have you been to New York?! I haven't - YET - but it's on the list. Dare to dream. But this week I get to visit vicariously through our friends Chris and Juan from Living and Boondocking in Mexico. They are staying with friends across from Central Park (lucky!) and are hitting all THE spots. Why not follow along?


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