Oh - I've got it - how about 'See y'all later!'
With one last load of wash and one last trip to the playground, we finally got all of our stuff, that had migrated into Nancy and Brian's house, back into the van. Our clean shiny van that is. To keep it that way we were tempted to 'forget' collect Roofous and Moonie. Almost.
One last picture of the five of us just as we were leaving - in the shade of their large front yard tree. It was pretty hot at 2:00 pm when we were pulling out.
As Dave mentioned over at Flip Flop Vector - why we ever choose to visit Austin during such a very busy week is beyond us. The Wood Clan's in-house researcher really dropped the ball on that one. Yikes!
Nancy and Brian were even nice enough to offer their babysitting services on Friday night so that Derek and I could head down to 6th Street, in downtown Austin, to check out the festivities and the SXSW events. You know - a date night.
And if you can believe we even considered it - but then we thought about the traffic and the roads, and the traffic and the roads that we had just taken on our way to and from a shopping trip Friday afternoon and came to our senses! DRIVE downtown and find parking on a Friday night during SXSW - nope - not gonna do it. Plus - really - we are in our 40's - our 20's - yes - our 30's - most likely - but not so much now. A date night for us these days would be about eight hours of uninterrupted sleep!
It is a teeny tiny bit hard to leave living so large for an entire week - 1,200 sq ft or so to how much - yup . Nancy and Brian took VERY good care of us - thanks you two! Hasta luego!
Moving on is always hard until we get a few miles into it. Except in Austin that is.
No? - well - my vote would be to get to the edge and find a chauffeur for the duration of your trip.
Give me Mexican roads ANY DAY instead of the highways and Interstate around Austin.
A nail bitter to be sure. THAT is why I have no pictures of the way in - or out - I was holding on tight and stepping up my navigation duties. Saturday afternoon may not have been the best time to leave (so said the driver). I don't know - I have a feeling that the I35 is always busy - but it was really crazy. Imagine being stopped and backed up ON the Interstate.
I was as happy to see New Braunfels on the horizon as I was when we finally hit pavement after our Mexican backroads adventure.
Caballito is now nicely parked back in his spot behind the Berean Bible Church in New Braunfels. Of course, while we are here we will be getting in as much Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth as we can by Pastor Jerry Lockhart. We have our 'What we Believe' link to the right to learn more about - well - our beliefs.
Tomorrow is finally Landa Park day. We have been promising to take Cassia there since heading up through Mexico. Sadly, we won't be able to ride the train since it only operates on the weekend. We stopped in yesterday on our way in from Austin only to find the park BEYOND packed - not a parking spot to be had.
Other than that it's going to be a pretty laid back week. We also want to get Caballito looked at after our Mexican Adventure. Think the brakes should be checked? We do - plus the oil and such. Good to see how things are before we continue our trek north in a week or so.
Just one more thing to mention....
And nooooo - I didn't make this jpeg extra large to rub in the GREAT weather we are having down here - it was the only graphic I could find that printed right. I was looking for a small horizontal weather forecast but came up empty.
But really - Canada (and northern USA too I suppose) - look at those temps! Hard to believe - right?!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it - ahhh Texas how we love thee. Will one of our Texas friends PLEASE adopt us already! And the rain - well, they need it here in Texas so we won't complain - and really - with these temps - a little moisture is a welcome reprieve for us too.
Should be a warm day at the park tomorrow - right?!
Happy Green Day to y'all!
TODAY'S INTERESTING LINK: If you live in Texas and are looking for Rightly Dividing Grace Church - or study materials - here is a link for you -- aptly named Texas Grace Churches. Here's a good place to start - The 5th Gospel.
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